About Me

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is a 23 year old political science graduate of Principia College, He is joining ten other students on the CELL middle east abroad led by Professor Janessa Gans Wilder

Saturday, December 25, 2010

First impressions

As the holiday season comes to a close and I ready myself for an incredible journey to the middle east,  I am reminded of the incredible importance of family and friends.  Thank you for all your love, support, and gentle tutelage.  Without you I would be hopelessly lost.  

For twelve weeks, I will be travelling in the sandbox with ten other students, Professsor Janessa Gans Wilder, her husband Forest, and his brother Nathaniel. Throughout our travels in Israel, Palestine and Jordan we will focus on the issues of peace and sustainability and what can be done to increase the stability of this misunderstood and often maligned portion of the globe.  

It is my hope that through this odyssey I will make my own positive imprint on the lives and livelihoods of those I interact with.  Just as you, my wonderful friends and family members, have brightened and enlightened my life.  


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